I'd hate to know what each 'Magical' Kwanza candle stands for. Kill whitey, rape whitey, rob whitey, all hail Moloch, gibs, reparations, affirmative action. How close was that?
Edicts of Kwanzaa-
Unity, Self-Determination, Collective Work and Responsibility, Cooperative Economics, Purpose, Creativity and Faith
Sounds good if they were followed by any amount of Black People. I'm sure I could break down each in a mocking way. Because really these precepts are only followed in a very subverted way.
Styx, did a video today on the problem with Kwanzaa. The majority of his comments section is "I know literally nobody who celebrates this Holiday" LOL.
I'd hate to know what each 'Magical' Kwanza candle stands for. Kill whitey, rape whitey, rob whitey, all hail Moloch, gibs, reparations, affirmative action. How close was that?
Edicts of Kwanzaa-
Unity, Self-Determination, Collective Work and Responsibility, Cooperative Economics, Purpose, Creativity and Faith
Sounds good if they were followed by any amount of Black People. I'm sure I could break down each in a mocking way. Because really these precepts are only followed in a very subverted way.
Well, that’s one.
They can’t even recognize themselves in the mirror.
[chimping out intensifies]
But… they dindu nuffin…
“Gibsmedat or I’s be cooperatin’ ta tear down ya hows, mayne.”
I bet the jew didn’t have a straight face when he came up with that.
They do have that in spades… no pun intended.
Styx, did a video today on the problem with Kwanzaa. The majority of his comments section is "I know literally nobody who celebrates this Holiday" LOL.