Question in the title. Since it seems like reddit is comitting sudoku, and multiple subs have gotten banned, are there any other oasis' like the two I mentioned? I'm curious as to what forums I can browse.
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Most of the Kia2 folks are planning on coming over sooner than later. I'm not sure if they're going to keep their own blackjack and hookers with a or rejoin the fold now that (hopefully) there's less excuse for the iron-fisted (and understandable) moderation and removals. I tend to hang out over there more since they're more active and a bit more general, but I'd love to see the band get back together again.
What exactly is the difference between the two? I ended up joining kia2 after the_donald quarantine and I didn't know about kia until recently.
Mostly just usual internet drama. Kia wanted to be way more restrictive about posts, made a poll to see how restrictive they should be, and then went against what the users voted for and got all restrictive anyways. Lots of users were unhappy and formed Kia2.
They're a lot less restrictive (and more active) so it's way more general culture-war stuff compared to Kia-prime which sticks largely to video games and things tangential to video games. The mods for the most part disagree on moderation and what Kia should be, so I expect we'll have two different .win sites as well.
There are no spez restrictions here. Rules are simple and are pretty much, no doxx and no US law breaking.