Honestly it is just useful idiots being led around by useful idiots, who are in turn being manipulated by communists.
Your average BLM supporter doesn't actually know or understand what BLM is about. They get told the line designed to get new recruits, accept it as the truth, and never look deeper into what the movement is about. Nor do they consider the consequences of what will happen if the movement gets their way. Then, when the movement does terrible acts they either ignore it or justify the acts to themselves.
Honestly it is just useful idiots being led around by useful idiots, who are in turn being manipulated by communists.
Your average BLM supporter doesn't actually know or understand what BLM is about. They get told the line designed to get new recruits, accept it as the truth, and never look deeper into what the movement is about. Nor do they consider the consequences of what will happen if the movement gets their way. Then, when the movement does terrible acts they either ignore it or justify the acts to themselves.