Was gamergate a turning point in your life, in your philosophy or in your worldview? From what to what?
I'm contemplating on how it has affected me (very significantly). Some of the friends I made during gamergate seem to have not changed so much. What was it like for you?
Share your stories.
Yes, absolutely. Gamergate, and the treatment of TotalBiscuit by the outrage mob trying to cancel him over tweeting out a charity for disabled gamers to signal boost it was my definitive redpill moment.
I was never what I'd consider to be an SJW, but I was definitely very lefty and definitely had some proto-SJW characteristics. The term red-pilled is absolutely how I would describe what happened. It was like this whole other world was revealed to me and I discovered more and more that what I had believed was built on lies and misinformation.
Definitely a life changing movement for me, from a personal ideology standpoint.