thekindlyman555 2 points ago +2 / -0

Did you see that crazy Tik Tok lady who freaked out when she got fired from her job after telling people that if anyone says "All Lives Matter" to her again she'll stab them and then say my papercut matters too?

thekindlyman555 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's an interview that she took part in once where she said she only recently started playing videogames (this was around the time she started going big) meanwhile she claimed to play videogames since she was a child to establish some kind of credibility.

thekindlyman555 16 points ago +19 / -3

We're not trying to appeal to the crazy people. We're trying to appeal to normal, rational people, who are still the majority, believe it or not.

If they see them running around flinging shit everywhere, and us having reasonable discussion, who do you think a normal, uninitiated person will side with more often than not?

If both sides are running around like crazy people flinging shit, then they'll think we're both crazy.

thekindlyman555 8 points ago +8 / -0

Wasn't there also a thing where people sent a ton of cupcakes to Bioware as a form of protest?

thekindlyman555 10 points ago +10 / -0

Before that there were other incidents too, most notably Gamespot firing Jeff Gerstmann for giving Kane and Lynch 2 (which were running heavy ads on their site) a bad review score.

thekindlyman555 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's a bit disturbing how perfect it is. That song came out in 2016 BEFORE Trump was elected. Things have only gotten worse since then.

thekindlyman555 5 points ago +5 / -0

Relevant Chris Ray Gun song: https://youtu.be/KmkXCsqJee0

thekindlyman555 3 points ago +3 / -0

insulting gamers

That's a hell of a simplified way to explain it, lol.

KotakuInAction was the official subreddit for discussing gamergate related topics.

Back in 2014 Gamergate started with the Zoepost by Eron Gjoni which I won't go into detail about, but basically out of that post people started accusing Zoe Quinn using sexual relationships she had in the industry to garner positive press for her game Depression Quest.

Following this, there was a mass wave of censorship on reddit and other communities. There was an infamous post on r/gaming where they deleted something like 20,000 comments from the post about this.

Following that, there was a wave of eerily similar articles all released on the same day (https://imgur.com/a/kahzN) that all proclaimed that gamers are 'dead' and that game developers and journalists should no longer cater to 'gamers.'

Following that, gamers started compiling a ton of instances of games journalists being unethical and the hashtag was coined by Adam Baldwin.

Gamergate was one of the first communities to respond and fight back against activist journalism and SJW encroachment on their territory.

The media repeatedly used (and still continue to mention us to this day with) disingenuous claims that Gamergate was a campaign of harassment against women in videogames, mostly because several deranged feminists tried to insert themselves into the story for notoriety.

From Gamergate, it became obvious that it wasn't just enthusiast gaming journalists that had been taken over by SJWs and dishonest activists, all media was. And it's only gotten worse as time has gone by...

We've been blamed by some people for Trump winning in 2016, which I find hilarious.

thekindlyman555 1 point ago +1 / -0

Currently playing The Last of Us 2 Days Gone. Pretty good game but holy balls is it poorly optimized for the PS4 standard. Frame drops. Frame drops EVERYWHERE!!!!

thekindlyman555 4 points ago +4 / -0

PC Master race ftw! Own all of the current gen consoles for exclusives though.

thekindlyman555 5 points ago +5 / -0

Same here.

I think that most of my personal politics are relatively unchanged in the past ten years. It was moreso the revelation that the people that I thought were on my "team" actually don't believe in the things that I believe, even if they pay it lip service.

thekindlyman555 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes, absolutely. Gamergate, and the treatment of TotalBiscuit by the outrage mob trying to cancel him over tweeting out a charity for disabled gamers to signal boost it was my definitive redpill moment.

I was never what I'd consider to be an SJW, but I was definitely very lefty and definitely had some proto-SJW characteristics. The term red-pilled is absolutely how I would describe what happened. It was like this whole other world was revealed to me and I discovered more and more that what I had believed was built on lies and misinformation.

Definitely a life changing movement for me, from a personal ideology standpoint.

thekindlyman555 4 points ago +4 / -0

Glad that we got a lifeboat community for when Reddit inevitably banhammers KiA. Been a part of this sub since 2015 and Gamergate was the definitive redpilling moment for me so I hope that we can thrive here!