Odd questions that I was considering and popped over to thedonald to see what their thoughts of us comming onboard; the reception seems mixed at best.
One valid point that was brought up was that we need to consider how we are going to determine rules? do we have a timeline for when the temporary rules are revised? Have we discussed a system by which the community will be involved in those rules coming about?
Another question; with KiA being present we need to consider that we will draw more attention to this domain; which means we may be making problems for them as people with a ideological axe to grind try hard to get the domain cancelled - so we need to consider how to deal with that not just as mods but as a community.
I don't know maybe I am rambling but we really need to start thinking proactively because reactionary responses brought us here and generally got peoples knickers in a knot.
From the perspective of a long time member of thedonald across multiple accounts.
It could be said that gamergate red-pilled an entire generation of gamers regarding the scummy tactics of so called journalists which spilled over into society at large setting off what we now call the culture wars. So even though this community isn't a clearly political forum, it is still inline with our objectives.
As long as you don't do something stupid to make us look bad in the wider media like spamming posts railing against the 'Jews controlling everything' (I'm looking at you I don't think we will have any problems.
We believe in free speech and free association, so we support you regardless, as long as you don't do something to harm the Donald.
We have rules against that, people who do that get airlocked PDQ.