FuqSpez 1 point ago +1 / -0

They will still call us racists, even after we move to a separate platform and choose to continue to not allow racism.

FuqSpez 5 points ago +5 / -0

People on Twitter were saying that making races evil was lazy storytelling anyway. But are the drow just going to stop worshipping Lolth and the seldarine or what?

Viconia in Baldur's Gate was an evil drow, but she was still a fleshed out and interesting character.

FuqSpez 1 point ago +2 / -1

You can't say blacklist anymore. It's dehumanizing to BIPOC brothers and sisters by associating bad with black. "Whitelists" are proof of white supremacy and privilege, where only those deemed 'white' enough are allowed to benefit from the racist system.