Well, looks like we are launching a bit earlier than originally planned. This site is fully functional, just a bit limited on some things as we get all the backend worked out. Our CSS is a work-in-progress due to some major differences from how reddit was set up, so that will be coming, it will just look a bit barebones until then.
For the time being we still consider reddit.com/r/kotakuinaction to be our primary site, but will be building this up as a proper backup over time. We actively encourage anyone who wants to coexist on both sites to do so, and have no issue with folks who have finally had enough of reddit's bullshit that decide to make the move here completely now.
Rules are generally going to be the same here as they were on /r/kotakuinaction, but we are thinning them out a bit as some rules no longer need to apply here due to different sitewide rules/TOS from above lifting some restrictions we had to deal with. We will try to get a more complete listing of the newly modified rules up soon, as well as get them listed/linked on the Sidebar and such. Automod is not completely operational here, but will be in the very near future to make that all a bit easier to deal with.
Please be patient with us as we get things in gear. I'll try to keep everyone updated on the progress of things, though some parts will be mostly self-evident as they happen (like the return of the banner/sidebar).
I think it's ok having diverse communities with local rules. The problem with plebbit is that you call out something in one sub and get shadowbanned from the rest of them
I completely agree. I believe that extremists should be allowed to form whatever communities they want and be as insular in their hugboxes as they choose. I am very much pro letting people associate with like-minded individuals, and that what you do on one sub should not translate into action on everything you do elsewhere. I hope that people have learned from powermods not to trust single points of failure by putting all their eggs in one basket of a sub.
If someone was pro "socialjusticeinaction" for topics that we don't cover due to lack of focus, it would be good to make another sub specifically for that and I would support such a thing.
plebbit makes you lazy and creates the illusion that you can't make communities by manipulating you.