Well, looks like we are launching a bit earlier than originally planned. This site is fully functional, just a bit limited on some things as we get all the backend worked out. Our CSS is a work-in-progress due to some major differences from how reddit was set up, so that will be coming, it will just look a bit barebones until then.
For the time being we still consider reddit.com/r/kotakuinaction to be our primary site, but will be building this up as a proper backup over time. We actively encourage anyone who wants to coexist on both sites to do so, and have no issue with folks who have finally had enough of reddit's bullshit that decide to make the move here completely now.
Rules are generally going to be the same here as they were on /r/kotakuinaction, but we are thinning them out a bit as some rules no longer need to apply here due to different sitewide rules/TOS from above lifting some restrictions we had to deal with. We will try to get a more complete listing of the newly modified rules up soon, as well as get them listed/linked on the Sidebar and such. Automod is not completely operational here, but will be in the very near future to make that all a bit easier to deal with.
Please be patient with us as we get things in gear. I'll try to keep everyone updated on the progress of things, though some parts will be mostly self-evident as they happen (like the return of the banner/sidebar).
Anyone here from KIA2?
Ye Ye.
Gonna give this place a chance though, at least until we move over here. I'm hoping their community and mods and merge happily here getting the band back together, that'd be pretty neato since the issues that forced them apart won't be an issue here, but I expect not.
As I mentioned in the OP, we will be cutting down on some of the rules we had in place. The one that will take the longest to sort out will, of course, be the ever-controversial Rule 3, but that is getting some modification.
Our "olive branch" is that we are not preemptively banning any users who got banned previously on KiA (under the same name) unless they manage to fuck up and immediately throw themselves across the line of rules that are not being changed - the most obvious example being TentElephant who has been shouting about his own getting banned here... for making his first comment here outright IDpol antisemitic shit with a "Hitler did nothing wrong" thrown in at the end. We are willing to grant a bit more leeway on a lot of things, but that's gonna be a hard no for anyone.
About that, until we at least see AoV and DoM in the modlist, I'm not gonna believe a damn word about "olive branches"
That.... what would be interesting.
When we had our last batch of new mod hiring, NoTalent reached out with my approval to ask Dom and Clockwork to apply - neither chose to do so.