'Game creator' fucks a bunch of people behind her boyfriends back.
Boyfriend finds out and writes salty blog post about her.
Lulz ensue.
'Game creator' was 'close' to games journalist, asks journalist to halp plz.
Bunch of games journalists launch widespread coordinated smear campaign about how all gamers are sexist, incel cellar dwellers and that 'gamer' as an identity is dead.
Gamers get angy as this is only 80% true.
Gamers rise up, realising being called sexist and racist is not the end of the world.
Veil is lifted because if game journalists lie, so must mainstream media.
Kind of, except nor all gamergaters support trump. The basic idea is that in 2014 a bunch of corruption in the gaming media got exposed and the media responded by insulting gamers and calling them toxic. Many gamers didn’t like this and called out the media for being corrupt and for being SJW fascists and a war has been going on ever since.
feminists, LGBTQ, marxists and the usual subjects started their hard run into subverting video game culture. Videogaming as a hobby is a billion+dollar industry, more than movies. There are a whole lot of video game "journalists," reviewers, and online discussion forums, which became more and more infested with the usual cultural marxism.
The gaming media started pushing the globalist narrative and that "gamers are dead" and stopped talking about videogames. Milo yiannopoulos was still at Breitbart when he got a leak of a "games journo pros" mailing list, which proved that multiple top gaming media sites were colluding to push their cultural marxist narrative. The list turned out to be started by some shadowy NGO supposedly for education reform with ties to common core and bill gates.
Perhaps it's best to see the ramification of GamerGate to understand what it is. GamerGate is the reason we had a female on the cover of Battlefield 2, why people were banned from YouTube over throwing an annoying women's right suffrage NPC into the open mouths of aligator and wild pumas in RDR2, and also the reason Total War Three Kingdoms sucks (besides the fact you will get Corona if you play it).
That's pretty much it
So, they media/cuck loser Marxist, are making more Trump/republican supporters by attacking gamers and writing fake news stories about gamers?
Is that right?
Kind of, except nor all gamergaters support trump. The basic idea is that in 2014 a bunch of corruption in the gaming media got exposed and the media responded by insulting gamers and calling them toxic. Many gamers didn’t like this and called out the media for being corrupt and for being SJW fascists and a war has been going on ever since.
https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/gamergate is a decent overview.
feminists, LGBTQ, marxists and the usual subjects started their hard run into subverting video game culture. Videogaming as a hobby is a billion+dollar industry, more than movies. There are a whole lot of video game "journalists," reviewers, and online discussion forums, which became more and more infested with the usual cultural marxism.
The gaming media started pushing the globalist narrative and that "gamers are dead" and stopped talking about videogames. Milo yiannopoulos was still at Breitbart when he got a leak of a "games journo pros" mailing list, which proved that multiple top gaming media sites were colluding to push their cultural marxist narrative. The list turned out to be started by some shadowy NGO supposedly for education reform with ties to common core and bill gates.
Movement for ethics in journalism.
It started when leftists invaded our hobby and anally raped it with politics, which were never part of the hobby in the first place.
We didn't like that, so we fought back and organized around gaming, a shared aspect of all of our lives.
The rest, as they say, is history.
Perhaps it's best to see the ramification of GamerGate to understand what it is. GamerGate is the reason we had a female on the cover of Battlefield 2, why people were banned from YouTube over throwing an annoying women's right suffrage NPC into the open mouths of aligator and wild pumas in RDR2, and also the reason Total War Three Kingdoms sucks (besides the fact you will get Corona if you play it).
Hmm, actually, Chayne has a better answer.
SJWs wanted to ban anime tiddies. Biggest mistake of their lives.
Have a read of this.