Recently got it for free and been messing with it in MS Teams meetings for a laugh and doing some video stuff and a buddy of mine was suggesting maybe we do Youtube sort of pop-culture discussion from the perspective of 40-somethings. I was trying to see if anyone has experience with it as I notice when I begin to talk fairly quickly it loses track and was wondering if folks have some suggestions.



Odd questions that I was considering and popped over to thedonald to see what their thoughts of us comming onboard; the reception seems mixed at best.

One valid point that was brought up was that we need to consider how we are going to determine rules? do we have a timeline for when the temporary rules are revised? Have we discussed a system by which the community will be involved in those rules coming about?

Another question; with KiA being present we need to consider that we will draw more attention to this domain; which means we may be making problems for them as people with a ideological axe to grind try hard to get the domain cancelled - so we need to consider how to deal with that not just as mods but as a community.

I don't know maybe I am rambling but we really need to start thinking proactively because reactionary responses brought us here and generally got peoples knickers in a knot.


Hey Guys,

So seeing as reddit is turning into a cluster I think I am going to spend less time over there; generally my Canada reddit seems to now be running the inquisition and I figure its only a matter of time under breedingmaterial gets shuttered (plays sad song).

Now onto my other thing; someone suggested Delta Green as a RPG system to me (big thank you by the way) and I am curious how many are familiar with it? To explain it sort of super-imposes chthulu lore over our actual present day (Trumps election is in the GM book). As I am curious what peoples play with it was like - I plan on running my first game of it soon as a sort of detached monster of the week sort of series of sessions with random players.