Sumsuch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Why did the SJWs follow everyone else to reddit instead of staying on digg? Because they don't care about the platform, they care about controlling people.

Come on. Your arguments aren't even applying the most basic of critical thinking. You've convinced me this forum is DoA, so, later.

Sumsuch -1 points ago +4 / -5

Maybe you could have actually bothered to read the rest of the comment where I spelled out, in detail, exactly why your comment set off my "finely tuned sense for detecting SJW fuckery".

Sumsuch 2 points ago +6 / -4

Honestly, your responses are making me even more suspicious.

Here you're claiming that people should be able to "smell" SJWs? Then you claim that the only possible way someone could subvert these "finely tuned senses" is if they're some sort of fictional super manipulator?

I would expect that anyone who has been involved in this for as long as you have would be well aware that it doesn't take some sort of James Bond character to lie about what you believe.

I would expect that anyone who is actively involved in moderating an Internet community dedicated to resisting SJW nonsense would be fully aware that infiltrating mod/admin groups is one of the radical left's primary MOs.

I would expect that anyone honest could at least recognize that this concern is based upon real events that have occurred on plenty of forums across the Internet, and would not be attempting to insist that the very notion of a moderator lying about what they believe is absurd.

Fuck off commie.

Sumsuch 9 points ago +13 / -4

Okay? That doesn't necessarily mean they can't be wrong. I would assume that the TD mods aren't super up to date on KiA's internal politics.

Honestly, that "this guy with authority believes it, therefore I demand you also believe it" is a super Chinese argument.

Sumsuch 18 points ago +21 / -3

Desperately trying to figure out how to get into the mod list

Are you under the impression they weren't already mods in KiA on reddit?