WaveOfMutilation 2 points ago +2 / -0

Where is Mombot these days? I remember we used to get Mombot posts on the regular.

WaveOfMutilation 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sweet - with TD being in charge then, I'm not too worried about the rules changing too wildly. Thanks for allaying my fears!

WaveOfMutilation 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'd noticed the trend of activism journalism rising in video games media for a while - bailed on Kotaku shortly after Heather "someone said they would rape me in an online video game once and it was as bad as being raped" Alexandra joined the crew, then Polygon shortly after that. I then turned to reddit for video game news/announcements, which led me to KiA after someone mentioned it in a /games thread I think. Been hooked ever since!

WaveOfMutilation 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for the replies, Bane!

So it seems like .win forums do have their own set of site wide rules (which is probably good so that things aren't absolute anarchy and productive discussion can be maintained) - we're not worried about .win bowing to the whims of the rapidly-sliding Overton window and tightening up those rules?

One other thing that I'm a bit curious about is the relationship between TD and the .win domain. Does TD do their own site hosting or something? Or is the "they" in the "they have not provided us..." you mentioned above the company that owns the domain? Sorry if I'm prying, just trying to understand the structure here!

WaveOfMutilation 2 points ago +2 / -0

Congrats on the emancipation! I've been a lurker in KiA for a couple of years now, but I am just now creating an account for the first time because I'm finally not worried about my employer finding out and getting blacklisted in the Games industry.

Questions about the new site:

  1. Out of curiosity, what made a .win site an attractive alternative to reddit? I'm completely out of the loop and my research didn't turn up much. I know T_D made it here, but I'm still not sure why...
  2. Traditionally, we've seen high-profile sites like 8chan losing their hosting when the companies leasing their domains cave to cancel culture peer pressure - do we feel safe here?
  3. Are we going to get a ticker at the top of the site showing the number of accounts/site participants? I always loved seeing those "X subs GET!" posts every couple of months reminding me that more people were joining the cause!