Odd questions that I was considering and popped over to thedonald to see what their thoughts of us comming onboard; the reception seems mixed at best.
One valid point that was brought up was that we need to consider how we are going to determine rules? do we have a timeline for when the temporary rules are revised? Have we discussed a system by which the community will be involved in those rules coming about?
Another question; with KiA being present we need to consider that we will draw more attention to this domain; which means we may be making problems for them as people with a ideological axe to grind try hard to get the domain cancelled - so we need to consider how to deal with that not just as mods but as a community.
I don't know maybe I am rambling but we really need to start thinking proactively because reactionary responses brought us here and generally got peoples knickers in a knot.
TD loves you! Welcome.
From the perspective of a long time member of thedonald across multiple accounts.
It could be said that gamergate red-pilled an entire generation of gamers regarding the scummy tactics of so called journalists which spilled over into society at large setting off what we now call the culture wars. So even though this community isn't a clearly political forum, it is still inline with our objectives.
As long as you don't do something stupid to make us look bad in the wider media like spamming posts railing against the 'Jews controlling everything' (I'm looking at you I don't think we will have any problems.
We believe in free speech and free association, so we support you regardless, as long as you don't do something to harm the Donald.
We have rules against that, people who do that get airlocked PDQ.
I'll try to address your questions and concerns as best I can:
The TD reception is mixed, and we mostly expected that as it's a very clearly political site, with an obvious slant in one direction... and we are a hell of a lot more welcoming of lefties in general as part of our "political neutral ground" approach to running things. This is, of course, complicated by the strutting and poisoning-of-the-well by some of the more purely KiA2 users who got extremely upset we had a functioning .win under this name before they could snatch it away. But they'll either get over it, or finally realize that what they want is better served by completely severing themselves from the KiA name, as they hardly even talk about gaming anymore outside of the TLOU2 outrage.
Rule determination, for the time being, is consisting of the mods going through and initially thinning out the ones that are solely in place to appease the reddit admins, while retaining the ones that we had in place to keep the subreddit focused and mostly civil. Some of those rules are even seeing some change, though we expect Rule 3 to take the longest as while we can open up a bit more here, there are still some hard lines we feel necessary to maintain because some people like coming in from elsewhere to plant bait for people who aren't part of our regular userbase to come in and say really fucking stupid things which get attributed to all of us (like Stormfront-tier IDpol shit).
As far as a timeline of when they will be finished? Most of the rules are nearly in their final format, aside from Rule 3, and possibly some additional revision to Rule 1. We actually get to lighten up some on Rule 2 as we are no longer responsible for any personal info posted two clicks out, which makes it a lot easier to let articles with twitter embeds through and such. Dox and witch hunting in general is still off limits, but we don't have to be quite as harsh on things which were borderline or very confusing as to how it could be considered dox. Rule 3 may take us another week or two to get sorted out, barring other things coming up that need immediate attention.
We may ask for some community feedback, but there will not be any voting on the rules. If we had a vote on the rules, it would end up being mass brigaded by non-regular users pushing hard for either no rules, or a total elimination of any content focused rules in the name of "let the votes decide". Since there is no possible way for us to restrict the vote to actual regular long-term KiA users in a viable, easy to manage way, we cannot treat any vote as being safe from external vote manipulation - especially with this site being public for only a week or so, and it being a bit more complicated to verify histories of users on other .win communities.
This is actually going to be far less of an issue than you might think. The folks who want KiA destroyed completely are already the exact same folks who have been trying for years to kill TD on reddit. Hosting is handled by the folks running (as you could tell from the wave of "welcome" posts we got from TD users over the past week), so they aren't going to kick us off for making the exact same activist journos and SJWs mad.
The TD admins have given some credible assurances of their stability from a financial aspect, and were willing to buy the domain for 5 years the moment we agreed to come over. All things considered, including our other lifeboat alternatives, .win was almost a miracle of right thing, right place, right time when they reached out to us. We still have some other alternatives being worked on slowly, but one of them (building our own forum up from scratch) has been put on ice to get this site fully operational and the community rebuilt.
I hope that answers your questions well enough. If not, feel free to ask for clarifications or with further questions and I'll try to get to them as I have time.
As a political right-winger I've been pretty curious about this KiA/KiA2 thing. I think it is true that KiA2 has less of a gaming focus. I think though that TD users are pretty open to diversity of opinion, they can agree to disagree without expecting anyone to change their opinion.
Personally I enjoy occasionally browsing both KiA and KiA2 and I hope that you guys stick around and don't just make your own site.
Are you going to roll out the revised rules all at once, or update the ones you're done working on first?
Considering first impressions and all that, the latter approach might have some merit.
Our initial rule post has the first draft of the rule adjustment. Several rules have already been thinned down, and as we get things sorted out and worded properly internally, we will likely make a couple updated posts to clarify what has changed and (when possible) why. Given that we don't have too many rules by number to further update, we will likely make announcements of updates either in collective batches, or in stages (Rule 3 may take a few revisions as we see what needs changing, what we may have failed to account for, etc.).
While we do want all the rules in one easy-to-find place, a big thing holding us back a bit is that we need to do some additional legwork behind the scenes to get our CSS, sidebar, and potentially a working wiki setup for more detailed rule explanations where people can just click one link to read them more fully for those who want to understand what the rules are and why they are written the way they are. Just having a sticky post at the top of the sub with the rule changes edited in isn't nearly as effective at it might seem, given that any updates/changes will not necessarily be obvious to someone who is skimming the front page.
That sounds good. As far as the sticky goes, can you edit the titles of threads here? If so, having a revision number in the title could help until you have the rest set up. If not, might be a good idea to suggest that to the .win admins, considering how that was a problem at times on reddit.
Is there any assurance of that financial stability that you can share publically?
My off-the-wall guess is that Palmer threw us a bone.
Not speaking for him but I'm pretty sure the answer to that is going to be a solid no.
It never hurts to ask. Even the smallest bits of information can be useful.
I agree, and there's nothing wrong with asking.
As someone who didn't visit either KIA or KIA2, I don't even see a point to going to, since they post a lot of the exact same stuff that goes on T_D. I don't care that they have a .win, but I have found KIA to be better to look at on occasion because your curating assures that the posts aren't crossposts with T_D.
Bro, there is nothing KIA could do, no matter the enemies it has, to make life more difficult for us. I am willing to bet every known enemy of KIA is already aware of and hates as Trump Derangement Syndrome goes hand in hand with unethical behavior. The hypocrites in games media are in bed with the hypocrites in the MSM. So I say, speaking only for myself, the more, the merrier.
I think that's normal considering we all came from Reddit and are wary of having shitty neighbors like we did there. As someone who frequented both subs before and after they were here, I think both subs share quite a bit of overlap.
For me honestly I do not see much difference between KIA2 and itself. So I kinda like this tone down approach.
This community will not see high levels of activity while KiA is still permitted to operate on Reddit.
The goal should be to have this site built up and have the moderation capacity for when KiA is inevitably banned from Reddit for wrongthink.
I don't think will face the same level of outside scrutiny and concern trolling that experiences as it is not a forum inherently tied to a political faction (I have had numerous conversations with moderate liberals on reddit KiA)
This community will likely flourish without reddit's large lefty identarian population coming in to fuck with it.
That's on the list of things we are working on currently.
The sub has been getting a lot of love from the donald, but many don't understand much about it yet, looking at the past whenever the issue of whether or not cartoon drawings of kids should have the same protections as real life photos of real kids comes up it's about a 70/30 split against it with most either not caring or wanting to avoid divisive topics, I hope with KIA joining the community more of the Donald will start accepting lewd games and anime.
My biggest concern with the success of this move is remembering how difficult it was to move from reddit to .win for the Donald, it started out small and for awhile there wasn't enough transfers for members to drown out the trolls, was bad enough a choice had to be made between keeping a quarantined reddit page or abandoning support for it to force the remainers to the new site, the mods chose the new site and it worked, but KIA on reddit doesn't have nearly that much tension to leave reddit and even if it did there's going to be fewer willing to transfer to a politics site they don't necessarily agree with
Overall the thinking with KiA on reddit is that it's still the best place we've got to get fresh eyes on what we are talking about. Reddit is full of people in a way that the wins are not, there are people on the wins, but they are more of a specific type of people.
So for now to get fresh eyes on anything it's better to maintain both. And until such time as reddit takes action against us (which still seems unlikely) we are going to moderate both.
That reminds me, what will this site's policy be regarding NSFW content?
Apologies, meant to reply to this several hours ago but got sidetracked with some other things.
Sitewide policy is "please flag NSFW stuff as NSFW, and don't post illegal things". Our local policy will be effectively that with a layer of "does this post fit within the posting guidelines of Rule 3?" We may look at it more later, to determine if we need to add an extra bit of prevention to prevent the sub turning into "all gaming R34 all the time", but we will definitely be enforcing the "tag your shit NSFW if it is NSFW" side of things. One of the early things I asked for from the site admins that they implemented was the checkbox on the new post page so users can flag their own posts NSFW, so that the responsibility didn't fall entirely on us having to tag everything properly.
I'll point this question out to those working with the admins on things.
I know for our own part we're doing what we did on reddit in that it has to be flagged NSFW to protect those of us who view from work.
They are a lot of people and you can read multiple opinions, personally I think it was good in general.
I think most rules should be the same. The specials or tempporary like the BLM related one should go away.
Forums are separated and have different rules, I don't see the problem.
I think what we need as someone said in another thread is to leave reddit, the sooner the better, and follow our convictions. Doesn't make sense to talk about censorship and cancellations in a place where you have the thought police.
Not an odd question, but one the answer for which is going to be delayed a bit as the headmod may want to speak himself and it does us little good to speak before we speak with him and among ourselves as a team regarding your question.
Related but not really: is there any way to see what other sites have cropped up on .win after the bans other than through word of mouth? should have the full list on their sidebar. Last I heard the list was up to 7-8 total sites, with more on the way soon.
Awesome, thanks!
You're rambling, issues will resolve themselves as long as the mods aren't infiltrated by faggot cucks.
I mean, I think rampant political censorship is destroying creators ability to create and weave stories of their imagination, but at the same time, I don't want to be associated with a bunch of yahoos that meme about how Trump is some god emperor of mankind when he makes so many gaffes and boneheaded decisions.
To be fair - the God Emperor meme is really a interesting one.
I have a brother who has TD somewhat; I got him a God emperor Trump Mug.
My logic is the God Emperor Trump cuts both ways. In one hand its a hyperbolic portrayal of Trump as a supreme bad-ass. The other hand you can also see it as he is the leader of the most xeno-phobic/nationalist/zealous faction that mankind has ever had.
End of the day I think everyone can have a good chuckle about it and you can apply whatever context to it you choose - the picture always makes me smile regardless.
To also be fair, I hate most victimless (and mean real victims not hurt feelings) censorship and it should be avoided at all costs so I am very pro-GG.
But some Trumper called my sick wife a communist for wearing a mask so fuckem.
Totally fair take - your personal experiences are your own. I mean people often jump to conclusions based on what they perceive to be peoples "tribes" these days,