ESolveig 0 points ago +1 / -1

They also taught me the meaning of the phrase "peak trans," which was great.

The one I miss is r/itsafetish . It used their own words and comments and painted a picture that was... well, less than pretty. And not sanitized thoroughly.

ESolveig 13 points ago +13 / -0

This, exactly. It's basically how I ended up as a card-carrying (not really, I asked for a card and they didn't have any) Republican. With a hard R. I saw how an article that took me under 15 minutes to read was illegible scrawlings from a "jilted lover." And the way the games journalists overreacted... well.

When they did it to Trump, the first thing I did was watch uninterrupted speeches- not editorialized, just in its totality- and realized oh fuck they're doing it again.

Thankfully, he won. Hopefully, he does again.