Klaus73 2 points ago +2 / -0

To be fair - the God Emperor meme is really a interesting one.

I have a brother who has TD somewhat; I got him a God emperor Trump Mug.

My logic is the God Emperor Trump cuts both ways. In one hand its a hyperbolic portrayal of Trump as a supreme bad-ass. The other hand you can also see it as he is the leader of the most xeno-phobic/nationalist/zealous faction that mankind has ever had.

End of the day I think everyone can have a good chuckle about it and you can apply whatever context to it you choose - the picture always makes me smile regardless.

Klaus73 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is that DiCaprio in the boys of St. Vincent?

Klaus73 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think your a bit off - the actual setting book (the latest one) actually covers Donald Trumps election and seems to cover cell phones.

Oh and thanks for the recommendation for Disconnectia - going to google that.

Remember the movie Pulse? I am thinking using that idea at some point..

Klaus73 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you ever played Beyond the Supernatural (Palladium books 1987) They had a option to run a "victim campagain" where you had character creation rules for far weaker but specialized characters; the idea was that you roll up about a dozen or so and randomly hand them out and see how the players fair; once the group runs out of characters - the evil wins - but the players really just need to survive or ideally succeed on the one preset goal the GM writes and they win.

I have for the past 2 decades been running a Corpse party (yes like the anime name; I liked the name when I got the original in 1997) every year without fail. The game runs for the duration of October once a week - not showing up for a session means whomever you were playing dies in a gory cinematic fashion and thus reduces players chances.

Last year I killed over 23 players out of 25 for a 5 man party in a very interesting high school thriller (called it High School Maniacal) where the group eventually learned the police chiefs insane son had been secretly not executed and living with his parents.

This year if COVID continues I am thinking a very japanese like "Haunted Apartment building" except the idea would be the players are chinese people put into "forced lockdown" to prevent them from easily just leaving the building.

Klaus73 1 point ago +1 / -0

What is EVO?

I mean...were they remaking the imo really good super nintendo game? (EVO search for Eden)

Klaus73 2 points ago +2 / -0

shotgun yellow Pepe is best Pepe.

Curious....is this hosted in Winnipeg?

Klaus73 2 points ago +2 / -0

Aye the gameplay system is akin to WHFRP (1d100 checks) with a empathizes on sanity and the idea that the players are very mortal.

As Txiribiton said - there is a idea that the players tend to be one of two groups - the Renegades (think "Supernatural" hunters with unsanctioned government support) or The Program (think "MiB" with a actual structured chain of command) depending on how you want to use it you might have the group playing a group of soldiers; or just people with useful backgrounds being brought in for various reasons.

I plan to set up a classic Wendigo hunt in Alert (North in Canada) with a classic blizzard/cut off scenario.

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