How is there a threat of sexual violence when the game literally doesn't provide you with the necessary functionality? There's literally no way to enact sexual violence on anyone, unless you count crouching over their corpse and pretending that counts.
is being replaced by something that gives my in-group more power
FTFY. The NYT sure as hell isn't going to be held accountable for promulgating lies and historical revisionism, or for promoting the social destruction of private citizens on flimsy pretexts, nor is it going to hold its own staff accountable for anti-white racism.
First ones to really expose the media bias when they all published the "Gamers are Dead" articles, all on the same day, a handful of years ago.
For the sake of a more complete picture, there were a number of forerunner events preceding GamerGate. Most notably, back in 2012 there was the big backlash to EA/Bioware's Mass Effect 3, which was an unfinished game at launch and broke explicit promises made by the lead developer. That was the first time the "gamers are entitled" crap showed up en masse, in a repeating pattern through all the big-name publications.
For the record this is what Puppeh looked like at the time. He has always looked young for his age, so there can be no argument that he was "mature" or even the old "it's ephebophilia, not pedophilia".
Reminds me of all the celebrities who, in the wake of the Weinstein affair, all proclaimed that they knew about it for years but said and did nothing. Even though they were so financially secure, they could be blacklisted and still live out the rest of their lives in opulent luxury. Supposedly, this was meant to shore up their status and moral legitimacy.