I've dealt with a muscular woman before. I emptied her ice maker when she was moving out of the dorms. She said she could carry it on her own, but she had difficulty controlling it when tipping it over to empty it.
I don't work out now, and I didn't then.
That would be super fucking cool. I really care about issues like this. The access to platforms that normal people have, is really poor right now.
I even have a post out about trouble with Parler. I wish these issues had never come to us. I wish reddit hadn't died. I wish twitter hadn't been cancer.
Looks like maybe I'm adding Parler to that list of "I wish they hadn't".
I know this doesn't actually matter, but ever since Savage sold out and did that semi-honest semi-shill ad-video for that glass company, I've felt very different about him. He seems... to have become a bit crazy eyed? He seems weird. Off. In all his new stuff.
This is coming to an HR department near you.