Aurondarklord 2 points ago +2 / -0

Huh, you're right. Wonder they they changed it, not like it's any more or less revealing.

Aurondarklord 0 points ago +1 / -1

We plan to open some things up. If you wanna make a helicopter joke go ahead, this isn't reddit, we know that's sarcastic.

But if you just wanna be a total douche to people that's not gonna be cool here. We have our own culture, we want to preserve it, as a Trump supporter I'm sure that's a concept you respect.

Aurondarklord -1 points ago +1 / -2

Again, if this is so, why did we stop David_Me from killing KIA?

Aurondarklord 0 points ago +3 / -3

Yeah, that's definitely part of it. When GG started, we were much more open about this kind of stuff because we COULD be.

Nowadays 500 people a day say mind-bogglingly insane shit in the name of socjus and if we put it all on KIA we wouldn't be able to sort through it to find anything else.

Aurondarklord 2 points ago +4 / -2

If he PUBLISHED something like that in a journalistic article, it would be relevant, as it would obviously be super unethical.

As things stand, "man is horrible on twitter" is just...a man being horrible on twitter. It doesn't really hit any of our whitelist topics.

I personally see great value in the idea of signal boosting the insane, horrible things prominent adherents of SocJus say to show the deranged nature of the ideology itself to the public. But that's not the topic of this community. We are looking at importing SocialJusticeInAction to .win as well, and making a more concerted effort this time to have the two run as sister communities so that there IS a place in our ecosystem for content like this.

Aurondarklord 2 points ago +10 / -8

And that's what we want to keep it. Which is why we don't want every post to be "fuck you faggot!" and "die in a fire!", if not "would you like to hear about the Jewish conspiracy to destroy the white race?"

And those people absolutely WILL come in here and try to take over the community if we let them. I think literally the first user comment we got, or at least one of the first few, was somebody saying "I can take off the mask now! Hitler did nothing wrong!", and yeah, he didn't REALLY MEAN IT, but he was a blatant troll. Now that KIA2 has a win too, he's nearly half the comments there so far by himself, and they're mostly comprised of spamming slurs and advocating a race war.

If we let that be our community, very few people who NOT like that are gonna wanna come here. That kinda shit killed Voat. We won't let it kill us.

Aurondarklord -5 points ago +8 / -13

I certainly agree that part of the transition will be us, as mods, deprogramming ourselves from all the bullshit reddit has forced us to internalize.

But basic civility is non-negotiable for us. This is KIA. It is going to retain the culture of KIA, the culture KIA has always had since long before the admins started fucking with us. It's not a chan and it's not going to be. Chans have their place. But not this place.

Aurondarklord 8 points ago +11 / -3

Well, that rule only applies to threads, if you would like to leave an unintelligible comment, we will merely scratch our heads.

Aurondarklord -1 points ago +1 / -2

Which still comes to the same thing. You don't like my denial so it proves my guilt. Who exactly are these mod team infiltrators you're talking about? Are they the same mods who actually managed to get the reddit admins to RESTORE KIA after David_Me did exactly the thing you're talking about?

Why would SJW infiltrators do that? Why would SJW infiltrators create a lifeboat on .win to save us from reddit admin censorship? None of this behavior makes sense for the kind of people you're claiming we are.

Aurondarklord 30 points ago +30 / -0

They never actually mean for you to really DO it. It's just meant to be a thought-terminating cliche.

Aurondarklord -6 points ago +10 / -16

There are always going to be rules of some kind. This is KIA.win, not Everything.win

Aurondarklord [M] -2 points ago +11 / -13


Don't post a call to action against someone or some group of people you disagree with.

Don't make posts like "let's give that idiot a piece of our mind!" if you come across something stupid someone said on the Internet. If you want to point and laugh, then post an archive, but engineering dogpiles against individuals or other groups will not be tolerated. The rule of thumb here is to look but don't touch. If you choose to take action offsite in direct response to something posted here, you will be dealt with as having violated this rule.

Additionally, random, stupid things said by nobodies on Twitter, Facebook, etc. should not be posted. A "nobody" is defined as any account with fewer than 2,500 followers, or anyone who does not otherwise meet the "public figure" or "limited-purpose public figure" requirements.


Use link archivers for as many things as possible.

This is to preserve articles in their original format in case they are edited in the future, as well as to ensure that the articles comments sections are not brigaded. Record-keeping is important, and archiving pages are our way to preserve those records. Additionally, there is an active blacklist of sites that will automatically be pulled if not archived. You can find this list here.


We want to make sure we're not reading garbage, or being lied to about some of the claims being made here.

To ensure this, posts should be free from the following:

1. Editorialized Titles

These are post titles for news articles that are framed in such a way as to push discussion in a single direction, typically stirring outrage, rather than leaving it up to the commentators in the thread. Hyperbole is a form of misinformation; you don't have to add anything "spicy" to the article's headline—it's better to simply post the headline itself. Additionally, quotation marks should be reserved for the exact wording someone used. If you need to add inline context, put the words that weren't said [in square brackets].

2. Misinformation

Defined as the intentional spread of provably incorrect information, or spinning a narrative without presenting all the facts. Typically, there is a degree of agenda-pushing or soapboxing related to this. Note that well-intended posts with information that has yet to be proven will simply be given an [Unverified] flair. However, any claims that are proven false after a post is made will result in it being given [Fake News] flair, and a stickied comment correcting the information, regardless of vote totals. This is to prevent the spread of misinformation on KiA.

3. Spam and Self-Promotion

Users posting anything that can be considered spam or self-promotion must demonstrate a 4:1 ratio of participation/commenting in unrelated posts to self-promotion. For example, for every 1 post or comment promoting their own material (websites, videos, social media, etc.), they must have at least 4 comments or posts that are participating in KiA (or other communities) that are wholly unrelated to discussion of their material.


We will remove reposts of the same information.

This includes posting articles on the same topic from different publications when one is already on the front page, unless there is substantial new information. If a post is older than 7 days, its content can be reposted for visibility, if the situation warrants it.

Aurondarklord 7 points ago +7 / -0

This was actually something that occurred to me while we were planning all this. "Jesus Christ, here we are secretly plotting to defeat one of the world's largest tech giants with their competitors. How did things get to this point? I really just wanted to play video games!"

Aurondarklord 8 points ago +8 / -0

My actual beliefs didn't really change, I didn't somehow come to hold a different opinion on healthcare or taxes because I found out I can't trust the media.

But I sure had to give a rethink to who my actual allies and enemies are in achieving what I believe to be a better world.

Aurondarklord 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks! We hope to make this someplace great!

Aurondarklord 0 points ago +1 / -1

You seem very upset to have received a reminder that you guys are Burger King and we're McDonald's.

Aurondarklord 4 points ago +7 / -3

Honestly, your responses are making me even more suspicious.

So my denials of the charge confirm my guilt? Kafka would be so proud of you kid.

Aurondarklord 5 points ago +5 / -0

We have our own local IdPol rules, enforced not because we have to, but because it's what we believe in and what GamerGate was founded on. We are not going to go to the other extreme and allow stormfags to ruin this place.

Aurondarklord 7 points ago +10 / -3

One can generally expect people who've made it their mission to combat SJW fuckery to have a finely tuned sense for detecting SJW fuckery.

So either we're these GENIUS MANIPULATORS who can fool everybody on both sides of the aisle...except KIA2 for some reason...or we're really not engaged in a massive secret plot to subvert GamerGate at all. And we're just not as smart as you're giving us credit for.

Aurondarklord 10 points ago +10 / -0

First of all, "Vivian James" (the redhead) and "Lillian Woods" (the blonde...some debate on whether her name is spelled with a double l or not) are a GamerGate institution. Vivian is our mascot, even her name is a play on "vidya games", while Lillian, a play on "Literally Who?", the term we used for 3 professional victims who tried to make GamerGate all about themselves when it wasn't, was actually created by our opponents as a kind of rebuttal to Vivian....until we noticed that these supposed champions of social justice had just made an aryan palette swap of our girl, embarrassed them with their hypocritical mistake, and appropriated her for ourselves. In our "canon", Vivian and Lillian are cousins and friendly rivals, which is kind of our way of saying "look, we're all gamers, stop treating this internet spat like it's a fight to the death".

So we don't want either of them going anywhere. But we also don't have the same problem TD does with shills and downvote bots. Encountering people who actually seem to be paid shills is fairly rare on KIA, and even on reddit, when we get brigaded it's more your garden variety troll subs who think we said something stupid, and they often UPVOTE the thread they're brigading.

Aurondarklord 2 points ago +2 / -0

I snagged this frame from the trailer, so I'm pretty sure she was always intended to have red in this one. Where was she wearing white?

Though I figure Blaze owns more than one pair of panties so I kinda doubt it was censorship that she happened to have on a different color at one or another time. And as for Cherry...I'm fine with the fact that she's not Blaze, as long as Blaze stays Blaze. Options and variety are good.

Aurondarklord 5 points ago +5 / -0

I never used to believe that, but after TLOU and the Max Temkin thing have made it fairly obvious she's running a protection racket...yeah there's a good chance of this.

Aurondarklord 9 points ago +13 / -4

I'd point out to you that the .win guys came TO US.

Do you really think they'd have done so if they thought this was the case?

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