Shadist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Same here, and I'm a old hand at CoC.

Shadist [M] 1 point ago +1 / -0

Upon further investigation and consultation with the team we are unable to allow this.

There are roughly three issues at first glance.

  1. Doing so before we are banned from reddit would only speed up that ban and at this point it's not a bridge we wish to burn.

  2. a lot of the subs listed there are just various general porn subs... which don't run ads. So the "won't you think of the kids" isn't going to work. Doing so will also likely result in subs being banned for no misdeeds of their own, and that's not a collection of heads we want on our scales.

  3. Finally if you look at the post's third comment is encouraging doxing advertiser employees as part of the op.

We don't and will never, support doxing, period.

So this is the official notification that we can't and won't allow this OP to be posted about on our win.

Sorry about the delay in reply.

Shadist [M] 1 point ago +1 / -0

Upon further investigation and consultation with the team we are unable to allow this.

There are roughly three issues at first glance.

  1. Doing so before we are banned from reddit would only speed up that ban and at this point it's not a bridge we wish to burn.

  2. a lot of the subs listed there are just various general porn subs... which don't run ads. So the "won't you think of the kids" isn't going to work. Doing so will also likely result in subs being banned for no misdeeds of their own, and that's not a collection of heads we want on our scales.

  3. Finally if you look at the post's third comment is encouraging doxing advertiser employees as part of the op.

We don't and will never, support doxing, period.

So this is the official notification that we can't and won't allow this OP to be posted about on our win.

Sorry about the delay in reply.

Shadist [M] 1 point ago +1 / -0

The mods are looking over the proposed OP and ask you to wait to post this until we've checked it over.

Shadist 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have to look into it.

The description you used is almost exactly the discription I'd use for King's Cycle of the Werewolf.

Shadist 0 points ago +2 / -2

He's on the list of my favorite authors due, in part, to American Gods.

And I don't care what he does in his own time, nor what he enjoys.

Shadist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh there's a range of meanings... but what they all come down to is "alter".

Shadist 1 point ago +1 / -0

I said this the last time you posted it.

I'm going to remove this for now as the team has to look over the battle plan and work out if it's in keeping with our rules.

Don't post this again.

Shadist 2 points ago +3 / -1

I'm just overjoyed that a company, or author, didn't bend the knee here... Sandman is the #1 thing that people keep telling me I have to read, yet me disliking comics overall has kept me from making a more solid go of it.

But when I saw this pop up on audible I pre-ordered it hoping it wasn't going to be a mauled shitshow.

Shadist [M] 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm going to remove this for now as the team has to look over the battle plan and work out if it's in keeping with our rules.

Shadist 4 points ago +4 / -0

Which pleases me as I wanted an adaptation not a modification to pander to current political fuckwits.

Shadist 4 points ago +4 / -0

Behold, it's a bad adaptation because it didn't ditch shit we didn't like!

And that flaw is nowhere more conspicuous than in its word-for-word reproductions of The Sandman’s casual violence against queer people and women. These are plot-inessential background elements that easily could have been softened or diminished for a 2020 adaptation.

Take the character of Judy, a doomed lesbian woman on the outs with her girlfriend, who appears in one issue only. Did we need to keep the detail that the first queer couple in the story is physically abusive? Did we need the multiple fleeting, florid references to the brutalization of queer, underage, male sex workers? Did we need to create an audioscape of a man “nervously” raping the muse Calliope? Or to painstakingly, without edits, retell the plot-inessential one-shot story “Facade” — the moral of which can be read as “Suicide isn’t tragic if you’re freakish enough”? And could we have taken a second look, perhaps, at the suggestion that “it” is just as appropriate a pronoun as “he,” “she,” or “they” for Dream’s genderfluid sibling, Desire?

Shadist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh to be honest I can fully understand them closing a fair few subs, CTH being the current best example.

The place may have started as something else but as such communities sometimes develop they become a utter shitstain who, instead of laughing at drama/stupid, become hunting it and causing it if they can't find any. They roll in with an alt and make a shitty comment or post and then jump on their main and link it claiming it's what we all think.

AHS is another example who's, just today, used a post I made on KiA as a linking point claiming that we are all about harassing women. They did this because Bane made a joke about how writing into the rules that attacking the majority is ok and Bane pointed out that women in the US slightly outnumber men.

And the fact that both communities do the same shit, well it's just a fine example of the hypocrisy of reddit.

They banned the one so they can point to it and claim they are stopping troubles using the rules, but they are going to go to hell and back to ignore the other.

It's gotten to the point where there's more or less no point in submitting brigading, we've had massive brigades before and sent of reports including links, archives, and lists of dozens of people we had to ban... and usually we don't hear anything back at all.

Humm... sorry I think I've gone off subject here.

So before I ramble more

This is precisely my point. So first, thanks for building it; that was 100% the right move as it was obvious the walls were closing in.

The mods thank you for that and we're glad to have you here.

Shadist 2 points ago +3 / -1

That's largely as a result of them wanting to become "the true KiA", so they couldn't ditch the name and keep that as a goal.

Shadist 0 points ago +3 / -3

Only bringing this one in because it's something that parts of the KiA2 crowd love to mention so they can pretend that they have any idea what goes on in the personal lives of mods here. One of our mods had been involved in poly stuff in the past... as the bull in a relationship. But recognizing that possibility would shatter any attempt at painting the KiA mods as "evil sjw cucks".

Going to add one thing here... the real issue I have with this particular mistelling of theirs is that it's flat out a lie.

Someone was warned and before starting to write this I couldn't t even remember for what, and in the warning message I made a off-hand comment about what they were saying was wrong judging by my experiences in poly circles.

Two loves to bring this up as me taking action for something said about poly while doing their utmost to avoid the fact that the person was clearly warned for something else. They also have an interesting habbit of not being able to remember what happened and sometimes bringing up me banning someone for this.

So I present to you their proof!

Which is found on their own sub here

So looking at the image you see me warning someone for insulting another user, a clear violation of R1 both there and here.

Shadist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Your opinion has been filed according to its and your value.

Shadist 7 points ago +7 / -0

The last bit there reminds me of something I can't say on reddit now...

If your aunt had balls she'd be your uncle.

So yeah, if they weren't being worthless shits they wouldn't be in the spot they are in, and we wouldn't be forced into building a lifeboat.

Shadist 1 point ago +1 / -0


One of the jobs is explaining the rules as needed, when someone asks I'll explain as needed.

Shadist 3 points ago +3 / -0

Then we wait for the auto maker to make a win.

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